
Posts Tagged ‘python’

Simple Python3 Code to parse your ipaddress

September 27, 2012 Leave a comment

I’ve been doing some side projects on my own requiring me to obtain my assigned IPv4 address.  In python3 you can do this by importing socket, which I believe is a better way than how I’m doing it below, however I found that using subprocess solved the issue!

I just put this together tonight and it does exactly what I wanted it to do. Feel free to copy and use it for your own little projects, you will need to add additional logic to the parser for additional network interfaces.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import subprocess
import argparse

def get_net_info(interface):
    myaddress = subprocess.getoutput("/sbin/ifconfig %s" % interface)\
    if myaddress == "CAST":
        print ("Please Confirm that your Network Device is Configured")
        return (myaddress)

def main():
#Parser Code
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--interface',
                        help="Select the interface you wish to use",
                        choices=['eth0', 'wlan0'],
    args = parser.parse_args()

#    print ("%s" % args.interface)
    print (get_net_info("%s" % args.interface))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Heres the expected output below, in the event the device in question is NOT configured (unplugged/unplumbed), the following should output:

sfeole@sfmadmax:~/pythonscript$ ./ -i eth0
Please Confirm that your Network Device is Configured

And here is the expected output when the device is configured(plugged in and plumbed)

sfeole@sfmadmax:~/pythonscript$ ./ -i wlan0

And of course , invalid arguements…

sfeole@sfmadmax:~/pythonscript$ ./ -i www
usage: [-h] -i {eth0,wlan0} error: argument -i/–interface: invalid choice: ‘www’ (choose from ‘eth0’, ‘wlan0’)